Dirty Pair (Episode 8) – Gotta Do It! Love Is What Makes a Woman Explode

Yuri receives a message from a childhood friend that she made a promise which could mean the end of her career with the 3WA. However, he’s being held captive on a dangerous planet. If only there was a mission to rescue him!
Dirty Pair (Episode 8) – Gotta Do It! Love Is What Makes a Woman Explode
What happened?
Yuri’s childhood friend, Billy sent her a message telling her the spaceship he promised to build is ready and they should fly away together. Of course, Yuri intends to keep the promise and resigns from the 3WA. However, she was seven when she made the promise which infuriates their handler since he was looking forward to not having to deal with the Lovely Angels anymore.
Kei is disappointed and decides to look into Billy. She can’t have her partner throwing it all away without knowing a little more about him. Well, it turns out his a respectable engineer, however, he’s been kidnapped by a sinister organisation and is imprisoned on the planet Poisonville. Yuri wants to rescue him, but the 3WA is not the police. Someone would need to hire them for the job.
Luckily, someone does, putting down a one hundred thousand credit deposit. Kei and Yuri are sent to rescue the engineers, including Billy. Unfortunately, Kei makes a startling discovery about Billy and decides to hide the truth from Yuri. Sometimes, it’s better to hold onto those memories.

What did you think?
Another great episode that highlighted just how Kei is the ultimate partner. Not only did she check on Billy to ensure Yuri wasn’t walking into something horrible, when she found out where he was, she called in the mission, using the money from their joint account to pay the deposit. She was prepared to lose money and her best friend to ensure she got to keep her promise and potentially move on with her life.
That’s incredible, but that’s not all. It turned out that Billy died and his consciousness was put into a machine so that he could keep making weapons for the sinister organisation. Kei found out and kept it a secret from Yuri, telling her that the Lucia would take longer to build. She spared her the heartbreak of learning that her childhood friend had died. Of course, Yuri is just as cool, coming back to fight the security forces with Kei.

What have you learnt?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it over and over again. Characters are key. This series works because Kei and Yuri are awesome. They’re not just good-looking or only use their charms to get what they want. They are complete badasses who know how to get the job done and don’t pull any punches. There was a moment when Kei told the security forces that if they came any closer she’d shoot them. Seconds later she hit them with a rocket for good measure.
They have a great dynamic too which helps to highlight their characters. They bicker and argue, they fight and are dismissive of one another, but they have each other’s backs more than anything. I’m eight episodes in and I will watch Kei and Yuri do just about anything now. I’m invested in who they are and want to see what they do. There isn’t even an overarching plot which highlights what I’m saying. Characters, characters, characters! Get them right and the rest is easy.

Other posts in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – How to Kill a Computer
- Episode 2 – Do Lovely Angels Prefer Chest Hair?
- Episode 3 – Go Ahead, Fall in Love! Love Is Russian Roulette
- Episode 4 – The Case Smells Like Cheesecake and Death
- Episode 5 – Criados’ Heartbeat!
- Episode 6 – Lots of Danger, Lots of Decoys
- Episode 7 – Love is Everything. Risk Your Life to Elope!!
- Episode 8 – Gotta Do It! Love Is What Makes a Woman Explode
- Episode 9 – Hire Us! Beautiful Bodyguards are a Better Deal
- Episode 10 – What? We’re Heinous Kidnappers!
- Episode 11 – Hah Hah Hah, Dresses and Men Should Always Be Brand New
- Episode 12 – The Little Dictator! Let Sleeping Top Secrets Lie
- Episode 13 – What’s This?! My Supple Skin is a Mess
- Episode 14 – The Vault or the Vote? A Murderous Day for a Speech
- Episode 15 – Dig Here, Meow Meow. Happiness Comes at the End
- Episode 16 – Leave It To Us! The WWWA is a Wonderful Job
- Episode 17 – Come Out, Come Out, Assassin
- Episode 18 – Pardon Us. Trouble’s On the Run, So We’re Coming Through!
- Episode 19 – An Unjustified Lover’s Grudge. Let Me Love You Without Revenge
- Episode 20 – Nostalgic Blues Make a Killer Soundtrack
- Episode 21 – No Way! 463 People Disappeared?!
- Episode 22 – We Did It! 463 People Found!
- Episode 23 – Something’s Amiss…?! Our Elegant Revenge
- Episode 24 – Are You Serious?! A Condo is a Dangerous Place to Live
- Episode 25 – Eek! The Boy in the Manor is a Terminator
- Episode 26 – R-Really?! For Beautiful Women, “Cannon” is the Keyword to Escape
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Dirty Pair is an under loved anime from a really fun era.
For sure, although I hadn’t seen it at the time, it’s from the era I grew up with so it feels incredibly familiar. I did read the manga back then though.