My Hero Academia (Episode 73) – Temp Squad

Fat Gum is about to relax, but Kendo Rappa is back on his feet, but surprisingly he doesn’t want to fight… at least not right now. The rest of the heroes continue the hunt for Eri, but Mimic decides to shake things up again.
What happened?
Rappa offers to show Fat Gum and Kirishima to the medical room so that they can get patched up. He still wants to fight, but with all their injuries it wouldn’t be fair. Fat Gum doesn’t want to believe him, but there’s something oddly sincere and honest about Rappa. He soon finds out that Rappa is with the Yakuza because Overhaul beat him in a fight and until he can defeat him, he’s staying put. That said, he has developed a lot of respect for Fat Gum and Kirishima and wants to fight them again when everyone is fit and healthy.
Mimic is still messing around with the corridors and starts to split everyone up, allowing the members of the League of Villains to step in. Toga and Twice who are on loan get to work attacking the separated heroes. Rock Lock is the first to fall and Toga then tries to get the drop on Midoriya and Eraser Head but fails. Twice uses a double of Rappa to attack Nighteye and is swiftly defeated. He meets up with Toga and they berate the Yakuza which enrages Mimic into action.

What was your favourite element?
So far, I’ve found the flashbacks to be fairly intrusive in this season of My Hero Academia, but the one with the League of Villains was a welcome addition. The thing I liked the most about it was that we got to see Toga and Twice both challenge Shigaraki’s decision. It’s nice to see that they all have some ideas and aren’t just going to do whatever he says. That said, Shigaraki didn’t flinch and quickly reassured them that he has a plan and that Overhaul was going to pay for what he did to them. That seemed to be enough for Toga and Twice who stepped into a dance number which was oddly surreal, but I loved it. These guys are crazy!

What have you learnt?
One of the things that I’m enjoying in this season is having more than more set of villains. It’s great that there is more for the heroes to deal with, but I also like that the villains aren’t all playing nice with each other, despite the appearances. Everyone has an agenda and is moving forward with a plan of their own. That makes far more sense to me than a bunch of mindless henchmen following every order from the evil leader without question. It’s often said that every character in every scene should have their own goals and drive. I also liked that Shigaraki said that Kurogiri is off doing something else for him. I do love a bit of scheming.

Other reviews in the series
- Season Four
- Episode 64 – The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A
- Episode 65 – Overhaul
- Episode 66 – Boy Meets…
- Episode 67 – Fighting Fate
- Episode 68 – Let’s Go, Gutsy Red Riot
- Episode 69 – An Unpleasant Talk
- Episode 70 – GO!!
- Episode 71 – Suneater of the Big Three
- Episode 72 – Red Riot
- Episode 73 – Temp Squad
- Episode 74 – Lemillion
- Episode 75 – Unforeseen Hope
- Episode 76 – Infinite 100%
- Episode 77 – Bright Future
- Episode 78 – Smoldering Flames
- Episode 79 – Win Those Kids’ Hearts
- Episode 80 – Relief for License Trainees
- Episode 81 – School Festival
- Episode 82 – Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part
- Episode 83 – Gold Tips Imperial
- Episode 84 – Deku vs. Gentle Criminal
- Episode 85 – School Festival Start!!
- Episode 86 – Let It Flow! School Festival!
- Episode 87 – Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
- Episode 88 – His Start
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