Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 53) – Flame of Vengeance

Mustang got Envy to confess to murdering Maes Hughes, and that’s all the fuel he needs to burn Envy to a crisp. It’s finally time to avenge Maes’ death and Mustang isn’t holding back!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 53) – Flame of Vengeance
What happened?
Roy Mustang made quick work of the mannequins, turning them into a pile of ashes in seconds. That gives them a chance to push on, and they’ll need to hurry. It won’t be long until the solar eclipse and then things will get really messy. Unfortunately, Envy and Mei Chang fall through the ceiling, changing everything.
Envy blocks the door and instantly begins to antagonise Mustang. He’s not impressed and has a question for Envy – who killed Maes Hughes. At first, Envy continues to lie, telling him it was Maria Ross, but Mustang tells him he knows she didn’t do it. He asks Envy again, who finally confesses, transforming into the form of Maes’ wife. Mustang tells the others to go on as Envy is his!
Meanwhile, the rest of Mustang’s team is holed up at the state radio station where Mrs Bradley is being interviewed on the air. She tells the interviewer how they were ordered to kill her and it was Roy Mustang and his team that saved her. The military tries to shut down the radio, but no one is prepared to pass up the story of their lifetime.
As the others continue towards Father, Edward is concerned that Mustang is going too far. Scar confirms his worries by telling him that he was once there. He knows how easy it’ll be to slip into darkness. Olivier and Alex are still in trouble as guards attempt to arrest them, even while mannequins attack and Sloth regenerates.

What did you think?
Obviously, this was yet another fantastic episode. I loved how they used the old OP during the fights. That always hits hard, especially as it usually happens when something big is happening. I do have one little grumble and that was how easy it was for Mustang to defeat the mannequins. They were developed to be the perfect immortal army. Something went wrong in the bonding process and they became mindless zombies, but they were still immortal. Having them being weak to fire seems like quite the oversight. As if they’re not going to encounter fire on a battlefield?
Of course, clearing them away quickly brought us closer to the main event of the episode and that was Envy versus Mustang. That fight is on fire! Mustang’s control of the flames is insane and he is brutal with his application. The fact that he can pinpoint Envy’s eyes or tongue makes him that much more dangerous, and as Scar said, I can see him treading a dark path. Will Edward be able to save him or is this the beginning of the end?

What have you learnt?
The most notable thing from this episode was the potential that Roy Mustang could lose himself to his vengeance. That makes him an incredibly relatable character which is probably why it’s such a scary idea. I doubt there is anyone alive that has not experienced loss or anger. Obviously, it’s how you react to it that shows who you are. The temptation to seek retribution is a very common feeling, Mustang, however, has the power to act on that.
Someone once said “with great power comes great responsibility” and that is glaringly true in this instance. Mustang has that power and you could argue that bringing Envy to justice is absolutely warranted and not just because of the murder of Maes Hughes. It’s interesting when you compare Edward’s approach to Envy. He could have killed him but chose not to. Both seem to be able to gather followers, but we’ll see if this approach from Mustang ends up being too much.

Other posts in the series
- Series Review
- Episode 1 – Fullmetal Alchemist
- Episode 2 – The First Day
- Episode 3 – City of Heresy
- Episode 4 – An Alchemist’s Anguish
- Episode 5 – Rain of Sorrows
- Episode 6 – Road of Hope
- Episode 7 – Hidden Truths
- Episode 8 – The Fifth Laboratory
- Episode 9 – Created Feelings
- Episode 10 – Separate Destinations
- Episode 11 – Miracle at Rush Valley
- Episode 12 – One is All, All is One
- Episode 13 – Beasts of Dublith
- Episode 14 – Those Who Lurk Underground
- Episode 15 – Envoy From the East
- Episode 16 – Footsteps of a Comrade-in-Arms
- Episode 17 – Cold Flame
- Episode 18 – The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human
- Episode 19 – Death of the Undying
- Episode 20 – Father Before the Grave
- Episode 21 – Advance of the Fool
- Episode 22 – Backs in the Distance
- Episode 23 – Girl on the Battlefield
- Episode 24 – Inside the Belly
- Episode 25 – Doorway of Darkness
- Episode 26 – Reunion
- Episode 27 – Interlude Party
- Episode 28 – Father
- Episode 29 – Struggle of the Fool
- Episode 30 – The Ishvalan War of Extermination
- Episode 31 – The 520 Cens Promise
- Episode 32 – The Fuhrer’s Son
- Episode 33 – The Northern Wall of Briggs
- Episode 34 – Ice Queen
- Episode 35 – The Shape of This Country
- Episode 36 – Family Portrait
- Episode 37 – The First Homunculus
- Episode 38 – Conflict at Baschool
- Episode 39 – Daydream
- Episode 40 – The Dwarf in the Flask
- Episode 41 – The Abyss
- Episode 42 – Signs of a Counter-Offensive
- Episode 43 – Bite of the Ant
- Episode 44 – Revving at Full-throttle
- Episode 45 – The Promised Day
- Episode 46 – Looming Shadows
- Episode 47 – Emissary of Darkness
- Episode 48 – The Oath in the Tunnel
- Episode 49 – Filial Affection
- Episode 50 – Upheaval in Central
- Episode 51 – The Immortal Legion
- Episode 52 – Combined Strength
- Episode 53 – Flame of Vengeance
- Episode 54 – Beyond the Inferno
- Episode 55 – The Adults’ Way of Life
- Episode 56 – The Return of the Fuhrer
- Episode 57 – Eternal Leave
- Episode 58 – Sacrifices
- Episode 59 – Lost Light
- Episode 60 – Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth
- Episode 61 – He Who Would Swallow God
- Episode 62 – A Fierce Counterattack
- Episode 63 – The Other Side of the Gateway
- Episode 64 – Journey’s End
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