Fire Force (Episode 15) – The Blacksmith’s Dream

Company 8 is back home and they just discovered that Hajime Industries has assigned them a science officer, Victor Licht. All that’s left is to recruit an engineer and Obi has the perfect guy in mind!
What did you watch?
After all the fun on the Seventh’s district, it’s time to head home and see what Princess Hibana has done to the place. It looks like that’s going to be the least of their worries. There’s also a new OP and ED, but don’t watch them too closely else they’ll likely spoil things for you. There was at least one spoiler in the OP that I noticed… Damn it! Anyhow, I have Yomu from Umai Yomu Anime Blog to keep this discussion from being one-sided. Also, Yomu doesn’t tend ot watch the OPs, so he should be fine. There will be spoilers in this post, but only for this episode and not the rest of the season… thanks again, OP!

What happened?
Princess Hibana greeted Company 8 back to their headquarters and revealed that they had been assigned a science officer by the Hajime Group. Obi wasn’t too pleased about it and understandably so. If he’s to investigate the other Companies, the last thing he needs is a Hajime employee keeping tabs on them. Plus, he won’t know this, but we’ve seen Victor before. Think back. I’m sure it will come to you. Anyhow, Victor seems to be fascinated by Shinra’s feet and the Adolla connection.
The team has got one more position to fill. They desperately need an engineer to maintain their equipment. Obi and Hinawa have a guy in mind, but he continues to turn down their offers. Victor laughs at their attempts as all of the Special Fire Force Companies have been trying to recruit Vulcan. Obi decides to send Shinra, Arthur, and Iris to talk to him as they are closer to his age. They manage to speak with Vulcan but he continues to refuse, sighting his hatred of Hajime as the reason. He also shows them a projection of the animals of the world that have now all gone extinct because of the flames and how he dreams to restore them.

It’s my turn to go first this week, so I better get on with it. I’ll try not to spoil the series for everyone, unlike the OP! Also, Yomu will be in bold.
What did you think?

There were some very interesting moves in this episode for me. Hajime planting Victor in Company 8 seems like a fairly shrewd move although are we sure that his allegiances lie with Hajime. Last we saw him, he was selling materials to Joker and he certainly doesn’t seem like someone that would be a Hajime lackey. The second half was good and gave us more of a view of the world outside of Tokyo and that’s something that we’ve been discussing for a while now. The episode didn’t blow me away, but there was some nice progress.
Yomu, thanks for stopping by and making this an actual conversation. I’m sure people will be getting bored with just me, so it’s great to get another view here.

I’m going to be honest, all episode, and even now, I have no idea who or what Hajime is… Other than that, Victor does indeed seem suspicious, and the anime frames him that way by giving us a piece of his monologue. Plus as you say, we’ve met him before. Vulcan seems alright, it was cool to see him working and I’d actually like to see more of that. As you say though, overall, the episode was pretty straightforward and made some good moves forward.

What was your favourite moment?

I think it has to be when Arthur and Iris were messing with Vulcan’s workshop. Arthur managed to break, or activate, a stuffed toy that continued to pee or leak for the rest of the episode. It was also pretty funny when he asked if he could keep it. Then, Iris started pushing buttons and each one seemed to be a trap. Well, all except the one thing Vulcan didn’t want her touching. His projection device. I thought that was also a nice moment, watching their reaction to all these forgotten animals.

I’ll go with the exact same moments there. When there’s an absence of action, comedy takes centre stage. Or at least it did this time around. I’ll also include the beer can throwing when they first arrive at Vulcan’s workshop (I think it’s beer at least.), which I thought was funny too as after the first cans everyone kept trying to protect their foreheads.

What was your least favourite moment?

It’s hard to say because there are a few moments that spring to mind, but none of them stood out over the others. Victor’s introduction felt kind of odd and it seems weird that Obi is going to just go with it. Then, there was the secret base of the Ashen Knights which looked like the mines of Moria, which I think should make it fairly easy to find, but who knows. On top of that, we have Giovanni showing up and with is mask fashioned on the Plague Doctors he is quite clearly a villain. There’s no subtly there at all.

I would say that the Ashen Knights segment at the very beginning felt the most unfitting. As you say, it’s like they are trying to inject more intrigue into the show by showing us all of these different elements at the same time, but when we see the Ashen Knights for 30 seconds and then we don’t see them anymore for the rest of the episode… well, it doesn’t seem necessary. Plus I have a feeling we won’t see them next episode anyway, seeing as it’s looking like a fight will take place between Fire Force 3 and Fire Force 8, to some extent.

Who was your favourite character?

It was nice to see Hibana, even if it was only for a moment. I did enjoy Vulcan and can sympathise with his desires and goals. He makes for a fairly interesting addition to the team, should he agree to join them. It’s kind of too soon to really say much about him other than he looks edgy and likes to wear skulls… If only he had an eye-patch… oh, wait that’s the captain of Company 1. Anyhow, I feel like things are about to get interesting at Vulcan’s place.

Iris was great this episode. She seems so much more cute when she isn’t in her Sister garb. From covering her head in anticipation of a can being thrown at her, to pressing buttons, to her emotional reaction to seeing animals… I felt like Iris really had some impact this episode. Which is great, because I feel like she hasn’t had much impact at all so far.
Who was your least favourite character?

I’m going to go with Giovanni just because it’s all too obvious. He looked like a villain when we first met him at the meeting of the captains and this episode just solidified it without even trying to play it cool. Did we need to see him command someone to execute Vulcan? And about that, I’m getting a pretty bad vibe from Lisa. I think she looks cool and I am loving her design, but she’s definitely a plant and most likely the one Giovanni was talking too with his Adolla communication that Shinra intercepted. The question for me now is whether Vulcan already knows or not?

I’ll just cheat a little here and go with the Ashen Knights we see in the beginning. Don’t see why we needed to be shown that. Unless Giovanni is working with them, and they make an appearance soon, it just seemed like they wanted to parade Shinra’s brother in front of us to try and get us excited for something that’ll probably happen several episodes from now, or maybe more.

Would you like some more?

Well, if nothing else, I need to see what happens next and if Lisa is, in fact, working for Giovanni. It’s either her or Yu and my gut says it’s her. The rest of this arc has been spoilt for me by the OP. Did you see what I am trying not to refer too?

I don’t watch OPs for that exact reason. So you’ll have to keep that to yourself for now, haha.
Shounen anime, in particular, seem to LOVE spoiling major action scenes and whatnot in the OP. It’s too bad because there are a lot of good songs, but I just hate the amount of spoilers they usually contain.

Yeah. It’s annoying because they did the same thing with the first OP with Tamaki. Anyhow, do you have any thoughts on what we’ll get in the next episode?

Aside from a fight, not much. I guess perhaps Joker will make an appearance again sometime soon? If Victor is a link to him, it seems possible. I don’t think we’ll see the Ashen Knights, but who knows.

Hopefully, we’ll get to see what Vulcan is made of and just how evil the evil Dr Giovanni is. Come on, just look at him. There’s no way he’s going to become a good guy like Hibana. I feel like we will see the Ashen Knights, maybe just for another 30 seconds as they hold another meeting…

Probably. Maybe I’ll finally find out who or what Hajime is, too.

That would be nice, too.

Other reviews in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – Shinra Kusakabe Enlists
- Episode 2 – The Heart of a Fire Soldier
- Episode 3 – The Rookie Fire Soldier Games
- Episode 4 – The Hero and the Princess
- Episode 5 – The Battle Begins
- Episode 6 – The Spark of Promise
- Episode 7 – The Investigation of the 1st Commences
- Episode 8 – Infernal Insects
- Episode 9 – The Spreading Malice
- Episode 10 – The Promise
- Episode 11 – Formation of Special Fire Force Company 8 – The Mightiest Hikeshi
- Episode 12 – Eve of Hostilities in Asakusa
- Episode 13 – The Trap Is Set
- Episode 14 – For Whom the Flames Burn
- Episode 15 – The Blacksmith’s Dream
- Episode 16 – We Are Family
- Episode 17 – Black and White and Gray
- Episode 18 – The Secrets of Pyrokinesis
- Episode 19 – Into the Nether
- Episode 20 – Wearing His Pride
- Episode 21 – Those Connected
- Episode 22 – A Brother’s Determination
- Episode 23 – Smile
- Episode 24 – The Burning Past
- Season Two
- Episode 25 – A Fire Soldier’s Fight
- Episode 26 – Flames of Madness
- Episode 27 – A New Flashpoint
- Episode 28 – Groping Through the Fire
- Episode 29 – Corna (Sign of the Devil) / A Secret Plan
- Episode 30 – The Time to Choose
- Episode 31 – Road to the Oasis
- Episode 32 – Smoldering Malevolence
- Episode 33 – The Core
- Episode 34 – The Woman in Black
- Episode 35 – Dark Hero
- Episode 36 – Shadows Cast by Divine Light
- Episode 37 – A Pair of One-Eyes
- Episode 38 – The Ashen Reaper
- Episode 39 – A Three-Way Melee
- Episode 40 – Mind Blown
- Episode 41 – Boys, Be Weak
- Episode 42 – The Holy Woman’s Anguish / The Man, Assault
- Episode 43 – The Oze Family
- Episode 44 – Weapon of Destruction
- Episode 45 – Enemy Contact
- Episode 46 – Plot for Extinction
- Episode 47 – Firecat
- Episode 48 – Signs of Upheaval
- Bonus Posts
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