Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II (Episode 11) – Rakia | Army’s Advance

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Title

Aisha leaves Haruhime in Bell’s care and heads to the Rakia army in search of work… Haruhime joining Hestia’s Familia has caused all sorts of problems and results in Hestia running away!

What did you watch?

Last episode, we got to the end of the Haruhime arc, which resulted in Bell saving Haruhime. So, what does episode 11 of Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II have in store for us? There are only twelve episodes this season, meaning with just two episodes left, it seems unlikely that the story is going to get too complex unless it’s setting us up for a season three! I hope so. Anyhow, it’s time to get into this episode. There will be spoilers.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Aisha

What happened?

So, my suspicions about Aisha were entirely correct as she left Haruhime with Bell, knowing that he could and would protect her. Having said her farewells, she left to see if she could find work with the Rakia army. Tired soldiers need comforting too! It also turned out that Haruhime had never actually had sex with anyone in her time as a prostitute. She fainted at the mere sight of Bell’s collarbone and it seems that was a consistent thing. Unfortunately, Haruhime joining Hestia’s Familia caused Hestia to get jealous and make new outrageous rules.

Finally, after Lili refused to back down, Hestia gave in, but she wanted to know what Bell thought of her and if he would ever see her as a potential lover! Bell said no because he respected her too much. This clearly upset Hestia, leaving her to run away from her house for a while. A random series of events followed, which ended up with Hestia going outside of Orario and getting kidnapped by Ares, the god commanding the Rakia army.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Ares kidnaps Hestia

What did you think?

I never thought I would be saying this, but this episode was a huge disappointment. Everything just felt silly and kind of pointless. It has been troubling that there has been almost no scenes in the dungeon this season and instead it’s focused on the gods and their squabbles. Hestia getting jealous was well within character and Bell being a bit naive was bang on too, but again, it just didn’t work for me. On top of that, I have no idea what to make of Ares other than he’s a complete idiot.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Hestia does not like Bell's Response

What was your favourite moment?

I like being right, especially about story, so seeing Aisha confirm my suspicions was awesome. Also, the episode rapidly went downhill after those first few minutes. I appreciate that there is one episode after this one, so there’s no way we’d be getting into anything, but maybe a dungeon quest would have been a nice way to see how a series about trying to find girls in a ‘Dungeon’!

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Aisha tells Bell to look after Haruhime

What was your least favourite moment?

I felt like the conversation the Bell had with Miach and Hephaistios didn’t really explain anything. On one hand, they told him to respect his goddess, but isn’t that what he did? Then there was the part about even if you have feelings for another person, you should still be mindful of your goddess. If anyone could tell me exactly what Bell is supposed to do with this information, I’d be pretty grateful.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Bell has Tea with Miach and Hephaistios

Who was your favourite character?

With not much going on, Hermes managed to steal the show with only a couple of brief moments. Firstly, he did a little more work preparing Bell to take on the Black Dragon and become the one true hero and then he waltzed in at the end with Asfi to help with the search for Hestia. Of course, there’s got to be some more scheming going on here, it is Hermes after all.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Hermes and Asfi

Who was your least favourite character?

I actually found Hestia’s jealousy quite annoying in this episode. Sure, I’ve been championing Hestia and will do for the foreseeable future, but she didn’t do herself any favours by reacting so childishly to Haruhime joining the Familia. Something that she must have approved in the first place. I did enjoy the argument with Lili, but then to put Bell on the spot in front of everyone else seemed cruel and an obvious way to not get the answer she wanted.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Lili and Hestia butt heads

Would you like some more?

There’s one episode left, so of course, I’m going to watch it. For the most part, even without the dungeon elements, I have really enjoyed this season. I do hope that the next episode gives us a big finish as I’d hate for the season to end on a dull note. It definitely hasn’t been as compelling as the first season, not even close. I am still waiting for the Aisha spinoff series though as that would be eye-opening!

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 11 Ais versus Ares

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