Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II (Episode 2) – Apollo | Sun God

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Title

Hestia refused to entertain Apollo’s idea of a Familia War. She then warned Bell to be on guard because who knows when Apollo might try something again. That might be now!

What did you watch?

It’s episode 2 of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II and after the bomb dropped at the end of the first episode, I was excited to see where things went from there. After the introductions and dinner, it’s going to be good to get back in the dungeon and see some action. Anyhow, let’s get on with the review. There are going to be spoilers, you have been warned.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Apollo Familia Waiting

What happened?

So, Apollo had challenged Hestia to a war. There seemed to be no way out of it until Hestia said ‘No!’ I’ll be honest, I hadn’t expected that. I didn’t even know she would be able to refuse. Well, it would appear that it doesn’t matter what she said because the next morning Bell and Hestia went to start their day only to find the whole of Apollo’s Familia waiting for them!

Bell and Hestia tried to flee. If they could make it to the Guild they might be able to get a moment’s rest, but then that’s easier said than done. On the way, they receive help from their allies, but even that’s not enough to get them there. Ultimately, after a heart to heart where Bell dropped the ball, Hestia decided to go to Apollo’s mansion and accept his challenge, much to the excitement of everyone!

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Apollo Challenge Accepted

What did you think?

Either way, I’m excited to be back with this series so I may come off as a little biased, but I loved it. I hated that Apollo was being such a massive dick and there didn’t seem to be anyone willing to call him on it, but it does set us up from something pretty epic. I’ve no idea what the war will entail, but Bell’s got a little time to prepare as the gods will need to agree on a fair contest. That’s going to mean, lots hitting the dungeon and grinding those levels.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Apollo Enjoying Himself

What was your favourite moment?

It kind of reminded me of the episode in the first season where Bell and Hestia were being pursued by the escaped dungeon monster, except this time it was an army of adventurers. I enjoyed the chase and as a result, it felt like this episode was over before it even got started. We got to see more of the main players in Apollo’s Familia, including the jealous guy who hates Bell. Lili getting reclaimed by the Soma Familia makes things really interesting.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Bell Saves Hestia

What was your least favourite moment?

Bell, Bell, Bell! In a rare moment of peace, Hestia talked to Bell about running away together. As long as they had each other, she would be fine, but she needed to know how he felt about her. She’d basically told him that he was all she needed to be happy. I know Bell has a thing for Ais, but come on. Hestia is a goddess. Just tell her that you like her too, that’s not too noncommital. Whatever you do don’t say that you respect her… Damn it, Bell!

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Bell Respects Hestia

Who was your favourite character?

Despite being carried around for most of the episode, I think Hestia was my favourite. She had her moment with Bell, which sadly didn’t quite go as she’d hoped, but then she did get to throw a glove at Apollo which I certainly enjoyed. I’m just disappointed it wasn’t a hammer or something like that. Seriously, Bell. Look at that face…

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Hestia Tells Bell She Likes Him

Who was your least favourite character?

So along with Apollo, there’s now Hyakinthos who needs to be brought down a peg. This guy has got some real anger issues that maybe he needs to take up with Apollo. I’m looking forward to Bell levelling up some more and showing this guy just what the Argonaut is capable of.

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Hyakinthos

Would you like some more?

Right now, they could all go to the tavern for a meal and do nothing else and I’d still come back for more. That said, it looks like more training with Ais and it’ll probably be in the dungeon as she will need to keep a fairly low profile while doing it. Then, it’s best not to forget about Freya. There’s no way she’s going to let Apollo take Bell without a fight. She spent a good deal of time in the last season setting things up for her to swoop in and take him. More! Give me more!

Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon II Episode 2 Ais And Tiona

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  1. I had a lot of fun with this episode. As you said, the chase around town reminds you of the time the gorilla thing was chasing them so there’s nostalgia here as well as just a fun chase sequence to enjoy. I’m really looking forward to more.

    • Yeah, I can’t wait to see who else comes to Bell’s aid. Feels like there’s be a big gathering similar to Goblin Slayer where lots of people help him out. Someone needs to do something about Apollo, that’s for sure. Even his own Familia seem to resent how he acquired them.

  2. “Just tell her that you like her too, that’s not too noncommital. Whatever you do don’t say that you respect her… Damn it, Bell!”

    This is one of those things that dogs me until I can figure out why. At first, my reaction was the same as yours. I thought about Ais, but despite his dance with her — and her obviously enjoying it — I’m not sure he’d want to be a couple at this point.

    I don’t think he knows what he wants, romantically.

    And Hestia? It breaks my heart, but I think he’s so enamored with her as a Goddess that he can’t see her as _his_ goddess.

    It was also great to see Tione and Tiona (especially Tiona — I love her attitude) again. And I hope that Ryu Lion decides to help Bell. I think she’d be wildly dangerous to their opponents.

    “So along with Apollo, there’s now Hyakinthos who needs to be brought down a peg. ”

    I think bidding starts at a peg.

    In fact, I think it’s time to take Apollo down. Seriously, I want to see a serious ass-kicking.

    I guess that means the writers did a good job setting this season up!

    • Definitely. We all hate who we’re supposed to hate. I wonder how many of the other gods would like to give Apollo a kicking. I dare say this isn’t the first time he’s gone out of his way to steal someone’s adventurer.

What did you think?